Sunday, 25 August 2013

Radio Advert (Tescos)

The second advert I have analysed is an advert from the supermarket Tescos from a year ago. In the advert is has a very different accent in comparison with the Nando's advert with a very standard english accent used which could give the impression that Tescos want to give out the perception that they are friendly and are like us therefore understanding the interests of its audience this is despite Tescos being a huge global company. The main part of the radio advert is sped up which includes many groceries that they have priced dropped. The reason for the the change of speed is to give the audience the interpretation of the price cuts as almost being countless in size or amount, so much so that they had to speed up how fast it is spoken to emulate how much is cut in price. As a listener to the radio advert you almost get lost in what is trying to be said forgetting what is on offer this is what makes it seem like a huge amount of offers being introduced despite potentially forgetting what is actually on offer that is not really the point in the advert. The person also carries on saying the offers and does not stop until the advert is fully over showing that they can't fit everything on a 30 second advert. The advert overall serves it purpose as people always like to save money on their weekly shops as it is something that yo have to pay for while in comparison a Nando's it advertises in a different way instead of offering what its audience wants it tries to attract through humour. Here is a link to the advert:

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